Our Team

Leadership Team

YCC is led by a team of Church Leaders who jointly have responsibility

for the spiritual direction and pastoral oversight of the church.



Minister (Discipleship and Development)

Mark has been following Jesus since he was a young lad and loves the Bible and good theology. He and his wife Jane have their own business and are passionate about the local church bringing transformation (God’s kingdom) into the community. He also has a bit of a sideline as a sand-sculptor.




Minister (Pastoral)

Vanessa came to York as a student and never left! She is a musician and loves people. She cares deeply about God’s church and as well as serving on both the YCC staff and leadership teams, she is a trustee of York church unity movement, One Voice.’



Minister (Outreach)

James made a decision to follow Jesus, aged 17, when he heard the good news about Jesus and personally encountered God’s love. He is passionate about other people having the opportunity to know God’s amazing love for themselves and to follow Jesus. He is married to Katy and they have 3 children.


Leadership Team

Jen loves walking through life with God, and hopes to encourage others to get to know him better too. She seeks to serve God through creativity as an artist.



Leadership Team

Becki first discovered that Jesus was real, forgiving and had a purpose for her life aged 14. She is incredibly grateful that he becomes more real to her every year. She loves working for a local Christian charity, thrives on reading, and wishes she could do press ups.



Leadership Team

Bryan is truly grateful that he grew up in a Christian home and grateful to God every day for his unfailing, redeeming love. Bryan is married to Jen and has two teenage children.



Leadership Team

Stephen grew up in a Christian family, gradually coming to know Jesus personally in his teenage years. He has a passion for music, worship, and seeing children and young people come to know Jesus both at YCC and at the summer camp he leads each year (which also made a huge impact on his own faith as a child and continues to do so today).

Staff Team

We employ a number of workers to lead, support and enable various aspects of the life and ministries of YCC.



Youth Worker

Hammer became a Christian at 15. He served a youth ministry and was a pastor when in Hong Kong. He thanks God for an opportunity to serve youth in the UK and respond to the calling.



Operations Manager

Matt made the decision to follow
Jesus at the age of 16. This decision
has moved him to help people engage
with church, especially those who
struggle with debt and isolation.
Matt is married to Jen and has 3
grown up children.



Outreach Worker

Louis has been following Jesus from the age of 18. He has a passion working with youth in the local area sharing the love of Jesus through a wide range of weekly ministries.




Jim became a Christian after doing the Alpha course. Together with his
wife Belinda, he feels blessed to be part of the YCC family and particularly enjoys sung worship.



Digital Assistant

Eleanor decided to follow Jesus when she was 11. She also works for a local homeless charity, and in her spare time likes painting, baking and going for runs. She loves being in a role that helps more people hear about and connect with church.



Minister (Training and Development)

Mark has been following Jesus since he was a young lad and loves the Bible and good theology. He and his wife Jane have their own business and are passionate about the local church bringing transformation (God’s kingdom) into the community. He also has a bit of a sideline as a sand-sculptor.



Minister (Pastoral)

Vanessa loves Jesus and loves people dearly. She’s married to Mark and is privileged to serve on both the YCC staff and leadership teams.



Minister (Outreach)

James made a decision to follow Jesus, aged 17, when he heard the good news about Jesus and personally encountered God’s love. He is passionate about other people having the opportunity to know God’s amazing love for themselves and follow Jesus. He is married to Katy and they have 3 children.