What We Believe
In common with many churches we subscribe to the Evangelical Alliance Basis of Faith.
We worship God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Because He first loved us, we love Him. To know Him better, we seek to hear His voice through Scripture (the Bible) and the Holy Spirit. We recognise Jesus, the Son of God as our Saviour and Lord, believing he rose from the dead and that his death on the cross for our sins is the only way we are reconciled to God. We seek to be disciple-making disciples, loving those around us by making Him known with words, action and demonstration of the Spirit’s power. We worship and serve together as a church family, encouraging and challenging each other; gathered regularly in large and small groups, and scattered in the world as workers for the kingdom of God. We have special celebrations: communion, to remember Jesus’ sacrifice for us on the cross, and baptism, to welcome new believers into the family.
Growing in our intimacy with God
Growing in our knowledge and experience of God
Growing in our mutual support of others
Growing in our intimacy with God
Growing in our witness to others